Sending a fraudulent E-mail is a type of malpractice that aims siphoning your sensitive personal information from you, also known as phishing. This E-mail is forged to look like a legitimate E-mail from a trusted source, making it very hard to distinguish from a genuine communication. You must become extra careful while handling any E-mail, no matter how genuine-looking, (e.g., from an E-mail address like or that asks you to:
- Provide personal information on the spot, such as, by replying to the E-mail. SME Bank will never ask you to;
- Send your Credit Card number on E-mail,
- Provide Internet banking User ID and Password on E-mail,
- Provide any other sensitive information in an E-mail,
- Click on links that will take you to unsecured page(s) where you will be required to fill out your personal information,
- Enter your User ID and Password in a Login page that opens in a pop-up window. SME Bank login pages are always on a webpage and never in a pop-up window,
- Provide your User ID as well as Password in order to provide any service. SME Bank will never ask you to disclose your password directly