Make more money with the bank that believes you can.
If you forget your PIN, you can or contact the Electronic-Banking Unit on email; or phone us on +264 61 430 1050 Hotline Number +264 81 9270 for a profile reset.
Internet Banking brings banking to your fingertips. You can access your bank account and perform all banking operations online, at your own convenience, from anywhere in the world. All you need for this is an Internet Banking User ID, your PIN and your Token device from SME Bank.
An Internet Banking User ID is your login ID issued to you that allows you to gain access your bank account(s) online.
At SME Bank, we are committed to making your Internet banking experience safe, secure and pleasant. Online Security pertains to the actions we take as well as measures we recommend for you that will keep your account safe from any attempted fraud.
Sending a fraudulent E-mail is a type of malpractice that aims siphoning your sensitive personal information from you, also known as phishing. This E-mail is forged to look like a legitimate E-mail from a trusted source, making it very hard to distinguish from a genuine communication. You must become extra careful while handling any E-mail, no matter how genuine-looking, (e.g., from an E-mail address like or that asks you to:
  • Provide personal information on the spot, such as, by replying to the E-mail. SME Bank will never ask you to;
  • Send your Credit Card number on E-mail,
  • Provide Internet banking User ID and Password on E-mail,
  • Provide any other sensitive information in an E-mail,
  • Click on links that will take you to unsecured page(s) where you will be required to fill out your personal information,
  • Enter your User ID and Password in a Login page that opens in a pop-up window. SME Bank login pages are always on a webpage and never in a pop-up window,
  • Provide your User ID as well as Password in order to provide any service. SME Bank will never ask you to disclose your password directly
To ensure that you are going to an authentic SME Bank site, type in the entire SME Bank website address - - into your Internet browser instead of clicking on any link directly.
You can visit SME Bank Online Recommended or call our e-Banking Unit on +264 61 430 1050 Hotline Number +264 81 9270 or E-mail us on to send a complaint. You can contact any local SME Bank customer care official and report the same.